
Standrad Settings

Game speed: Faster
Map Pool: See tournament info. Usually the same maps as on ladder.
First set map: See tournament info, varies from tourney to tourney.

During a tournament some matches might be hosted by STI and some matches may be up to the players themselves to contact each other and set their own dates and times for their matches. It depends on the specific tournament. It will always be in the tournament info how the matches will be arranged. Sometimes we may let the players host their own matches up to a certain point, for instance up to Ro8 and then after that all matches are hosted by members of the STI staff. Again, info on this will be given in the tournament info.

Hosted by the players themselves

If STI leaves a match to be hosted by the players themselves they have to contact each other on their own and decide on a time and date when they will play. STI staff will not take care of this for the players. Contact info about all participating players can be found in the "Signed up list" under the Tournaments section.
STI will set a deadline which is the last date for the specific match to be played. If the match has not yet been played after the deadline actions will be taken. Players might get replaced or they might be given a second chance for certain circumstances. If you as a player cannot get into contact with your opponent after many attempts then you are free to contact us about the issue and we might just replace your opponent with a new one.
After the match/matches have been played scores MUST be submitted to STI by emailing us the replays or sending them via Skype immediately after the match. The replays must correspond to a number of demands before being approved.

  • The replays must of course be between the two players who were scheduled to meet.
  • The replays mustnt contain any observers (unless stated that observers are allowed in the tournament info).
  • The replays must be played on maps that are in the map pool of the tournament.
  • Stick to the in-game rules (see below under 'During matches').
  • The players are sticking to the race that they signed up as.

NOTE! Observers are not allowed during these matches unless stated otherwise in the tournament info.

Although we prefer to host all matches by ourselves to avoid confusion and trouble we sometime will have to let players handle their matches, espeically in the lower stages of a tournament. It is VERY time consuming for us to host EVERY match in a tournament of 32 players or more.

Hosted by STI

The major matches are often times hosted by us at STI. If this is the case STI will set a date and a time for when the match is to take place. STI will afterwards contact each player to get a confirm. It is very important the participating players confirm their given times and dates. A player who is unreachable and doesnt confirm might get dropped from the tournament. If the given time and/or date doesn't suit you you can suggest a new one and we restart the confirmation process.
When the time and date for the specific match has been confirmed by both players they are expected to show up at least 10 minutes before match start. Being late might cause you a penalty such as a match lose. All you have to do is be online and someone from the STI staff will invite you to a game lobby.

The match format

A match is divided into several sets, most often 3 set but sometimes also 5 or 7 for the bigger matches. For instance if a match is Bo3 that means best out of 3, in other words the first player to reach 2 wins also wins the match. The first set in a match is usually played on the standard first set map. See tournament info to find out which one it is. After that the loser in each set always chooses what map to play on in the next set.
In matches hosted by STI we might sometimes have a predefined list of maps to play on. Info on that would be given in the tournament info.

During matches

During matches you are expected to behave properly. Bad manners, threats, racism, foul language, bullying etc are strictly forbidden. You are allowed to talk to your opponent as long as you are friendly and do not break any of these rules.


If a player disconnects before 5 minutes played then a rematch is to be played. If the disconnect happens after 5 minutes played then that counts as a loss for the disconnected players. In matches hosted by STI staff we might sometimes give the victory to the player who was severly ahead in the match.


Penalties for breaking rules will vary from case to case. If you are late for your match you are most likely to suffer a set loss. However BM:ing (for instance namecalling) in-game might cause you a permanent ban from all future STI events. It is up to us to decide a proper penalty if a rule has been broken.

Final Words

It pays off to follow the rules. If you respect the rules, are involved in the events, show up in time and behave properly you are very likely to be prioritized in future events. However if you are sloppy and dont respect the rules very well you are less likely to be confirmed in future events. For our community to work we are dependant on the commitment of our participating players.

Still got questions? Feel free to contact us about it.

Sledge and ToWelie Invitationals | v2.0 | 2010 - 2025

